Everyday food outlets notify Too Good To Go company about the availability of their goods. They can then publish on the mobile application “Surprise bags” available for sale that customers can buy according to their needs. In fact, the specific content of the goods contained in the bag is not known, but the buyer can choose the size of the “Magic bag” and obviously from which restaurant he wants to buy. To Good To Go helps clients to make their choice by providing them with previous clients’ reviews about the restaurants and with restaurants’ location: the app provides a list of food outlets available within a certain distance from the customer position and a certain time range.
Once the order is placed and the payment is completed, customers pick up their orders at the restaurant chosen and at the time scheduled.
The pick-up time window is usually open between 30 and 60 minutes. In case the bag ordered is not available anymore due to surplus food shortage, food outlets can cancel it at any time and the client will be immediately notified through the app. At the same time, the purchaser can cancel his own order within 2 hours from the pickup time scheduled. Finally, when the order is ready to be delivered, the transaction must be finalized through the mobile app at the food outlet. The purchaser is later invented to provide a review of the restaurant in order to support it, and increase its visibility and to help future customers make their choices.