Build It Up


  • Speaker
    Antonia Verna
  • Event Date

Unlocking the Doors to Strategic Excellence: A Day with BCG’s Finest Minds

Welcome to an exclusive event hosted by Build it Up in collaboration with Boston Consulting Group (BCG) – a day filled with exploration, learning, and strategic insights. On January 16, 2024, from 10:30 to 13:00, participants had the privilege of engaging with industry experts, gaining a comprehensive understanding of BCG’s operations and delving into a compelling case study.

Feedback from participants attests to the event’s exceptional quality and immersive experience:

“The event provided a unique opportunity to interact with two HR representatives and a seasoned Project Leader from BCG. The Business Case, revolving around the feasibility of a drone-based transport startup in Milan, was both engaging and enlightening. The comprehensive presentation and strategic interview case guided by the Project Leader offered valuable insights into the world of strategic consulting. Positive feedback confirms that the event not only met but exceeded expectations, providing Build it Up associates with a 360-degree understanding essential for a successful entry into the strategic consulting realm.”
